Business Development

Randall Harlan, Sr. VP at Panther Workforce Solutions
Randall Harlan
Sr. Vice President, Panther Workforce Solutions

During the pandemic, it became increasingly more difficult to connect with prospective clients using my traditional business development methods.  Given that most companies moved to remote working scenarios, my success rate connecting with prospects began to take an immediate hit.  Despite increasing my efforts (e.g., making more phone calls, and sending introductory emails), I continued to struggle with securing meetings with prospective clients. 

I knew I had to do something since my traditional marketing efforts seemed out of step with the new realities of the marketplace.  I reached out to Tina and explained my dilemma. She was confident she could help me turn my fortunes around. 

Tina proposed a social media strategy, in particular LinkedIn to connect with potential customers more successfully.  Her proposal outlined three (3) projects to create a social media plan to Attract, Convert, and Close on new business.  Without going into a lot of detail, at a high level the plan entailed:

  • Developing the Foundation
    • Identify my unique selling proposition
  • Development of the Social Media Plan & Implementation
    • Identify content types
    • Tips and Tricks
  • Action Items
    • Draft an “invitation to connect” message
    • Draft a follow-up message asking to schedule a 15-to-30-minute introduction meeting to learn more about each other and how we could help each other professionally.

*There were several other components of each of the above projects.

During our bi-weekly Zoom meetings, we worked on each of the outlined projects. After implementing the three projects, I felt comfortable preparing and posting content on a regular basis, and as an outcome I have realized a significant increase in the number of ‘followers’ to my social media platform and began to convert and close on new business. 

I highly recommend engaging Tina’s expertise in helping you devise a marketing strategy to help build your network into a productive source of business connections. 

The Panther GroupMinority-Owned and Certified